Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am desired because I am desirable. I am desirable because I am, at heart, a good person. I do not set out to hurt or to belittle. I am honest and upfront about almost everything. I do not fit the mainstream mould but that is part of my charm. I am funny. I come easily. I find good things in people I love and bring this to their attention. I enjoy sex. More than all else I enjoy sex.

For these reasons if you do not desire me then the loss is specific and acute. This does not affect me or my desirability. Look at how I move, I will make a good dance partner, given time, I follow easily and am not afraid to take the lead. All the criticisms I sometimes hurl at myself are irrelevant. I store them up because I am a good catch, double entendres intended.

I have been caught, and I fall into his hands and he puts his fingers inside me and he says, 'you are desirable' and he is right. I have to nod, although at times I can't see through the hurly burly of the day to day to recognise this as truth. I am desirable, and despite the silence from the audience of poe-faced gazers, I am desired.

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