Wednesday, May 13, 2009

other people

the smorgasboard of other people. Them in the flesh, this daily passing by. The facination of them sharing a fragment of art that we devour together but separately. The lives. All these endlessly passing lives. People who read and think and slump and love other people. These people.

I am free to watch them. To follow them to their houses. Sit in the dark and watch the lights come on in room after room. I am free to listen to the flushing of their toilets, the whirring of their vibrating toys, the cries that seep out through their walls. They are all separate and different from me. This is the beauty of them. They are not like us, the tiny handful of people in my heart. They are other lives. I could eat them.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I too enjoy watching the world go by Krissy. Not in a voyeuristic sense, but rather from an observational stand point. I get a kick out of seeing couples showing affection to one another. Not so much the kind of affection that you see between the younger ones, even though it too is quite beautiful. More so between those couples who have weathered the storms, walked a thousand miles together & in whose faces the passage of time has been written. They can still look into each eyes & show adoration for one another. Call me a sentimental fool because that's probably what I am but it does my heart well to see these displays of affection. I guess in a sense it enables me to live with the hope that life long love is possible.

The differences in people is what keeps life interesting & palatable. There is much joy to be gained from watching the world go by. Beautiful interactions between lovers, partners, parent & child, the old man in the park that does tai chi, the elderly couple that go for their walk at the same time each day. Each life meaningful & special in it's own way.