Saturday, July 4, 2009


I find myself looking up 'sex with horse'. It has come to this. My short foray into bestiality has been in the most odd venue. The Stately library. The quiet and hallowed halls. I open my laptop and my headphones are plugged in. In Ear Park. I hear it, but quietly and I turn the volume up before I realise that the headphone jack is not completely settled in place. The music piped into the quiet air. In Ear Park, echoing out to all the Asian students settled at their desks beside me.

Quiet finally and Googling bestiality. A hunt that takes me to odd places. Finally, YouTube and each click a slow pause for intermittent streaming. Girl and Horse, Sexy Girl and Horse, Horse Sex. And me uncertain how this will end.

This is not something I have ever looked for. Yet the idea of this research, the idea that I can arouse as I disturb with the writing that will follow this research. This makes me shake. An odd excitement.

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