Friday, August 21, 2009

silent vibrator

I have a little thing to travel with. Just a thumb of metal and it is quiet, but not silent. It can't be used discreetly in a toilet cubicle. I could not wake up in the night with someone else sharing my bed and find some comfort with it. Not without waking them up.

She showed me one that was the small sigh of a winged creature creeping past on a slight breeze. Anodized metal, beautiful hues. perfect and expensive. How much should you pay for the comfort of silence?

I am on the road. My blogging is intermittent. My masturbation similarly curtailed. I dream of an anodized hummingbird. I wake to a small thumb of metal and a tell tale buzz.

1 comment:

BG said...

Surely the gentle buzzing would be the least of your worries when compared to the sounds of deep breathing, uncontrollable gasps of muffled moans as you 'endure' orgasm. I went to a boarding school, 4 beds per dormitory....the sounds of rubbing were suspicious but never definite. The sounds of climax were ALWAYS recognisable - often followed by a chorus of "Thank god! Now we can all get some sleep"