Tuesday, November 4, 2008

other people's stories

I am thinking of conducting a series of interviews about sex. I am keen to start writing up little scenes based on other people's sexual experiences. The true voyeur that lurks inside me is bored by my trawling through memory. I am interested in the memories of those around me. I want to quietly watch and report back.

I sat next to other people's bodies on the bus. I was repulsed and aroused by them. I saw them at their worst, still bleary from sleep, cold and damp and holding their umbrellas so that they dripped into the aisle. All these other lives pressed up against my thigh, my arm, my back. I felt sad for them, grumbling off to work, nodding to sleep, texting, staring out at the overcast sky. they dragged their variously complicated lives along behind them. I smelled their fights and their hopes and their disappointments clinging to their skin like aftershave. I became exhausted out of sympathy.

I took their troubles to work like something I had stepped in that couldn't be scraped off.

I would like to hear their stories, write them up. Compare and contrast. This may happen on Furiousvaginas. I need to think about this as a possibility.

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